Devcon VI

How to Build a Multilayer DApp in Less Than 30 Minutes?
10-13, 13:00–14:00 (America/Bogota), Workshop 2

Learn how to rapidly develop front-ends for your smart contracts with useDApp. Make the user experience snappy, while reducing your Infura/Alchemy bill. Create auto-refreshing UIs, which update on each new block, on wallet, and network change. Track transactions progress, replaced transactions, history, and show notifications.

Justyna Broniszewska is a Lead Blockchain Engineer at TrueFi Engineering, the core team building TrueFi lending protocol and working on a set of public goods applications including UseDapp, Waffle & Mars. Justyna was a mentor and speaker at ETHDenver, ETHAmsterdam, Devconnect. An active member of ETHWarsaw Web3 community.

I'm an engineer passionate about blockchains and decentralised systems. I've been building in the web3 space since 2018. Hit me up if you'd like to talk about Rollups, L2s or Ethereum scaling in general.