Devcon 7 SEA Speaker Application

🚧 Speaker Applications Closed 🚧

See you in Bangkok!

The Devcon Team

- Before submitting, please review the application guidelines.
- Please only submit the same proposal once, no need to duplicate it among all tracks/format.
You can add more context (that you are open to various tracks/format) in each proposal.
- Your application will be reviewed by a committee of experts. Their decision is final. There is no appeal process.
- All accepted speakers hosting talks, workshops, or panels will receive a ticket to attend Devcon. If you already purchased a ticket by the time you receive your confirmation, you will be able to get a refund. Lightning Talk speakers will be able to purchase a discounted ticket.
- Review the Talks Wishlists for ideas of topics per track.

Speakers code of conduct TLDR;

Read the general code of conduct and especially the "Topics to Avoid" aka:
- Promotional or purely “commercial” talks will not be accepted. All talks must be educational.
Devcon is not a place to shill your solution, it is about sharing knowledge.
- Defamation, insult, or threats to the monarch of Thailand, which is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.
- Stablecoins pegged to the Thai baht (or “baht-backed stablecoins”) stablecoins are forbidden.

Session Lengths

Session length depends on the type of session:
- Talks - 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A
- Workshops - 80, 110 or 170 minutes
- Panels - 40 minutes plus 10 minutes for Q&A
- Lighting Talks - 5 minutes plus 2 minutes for Q&A

Review Criteria

When assessing submissions, reviewers will consider the following criteria:
- Is the submission information accurate and relevant?
- Is the submission focused on sharing knowledge?
- Is the submission innovative and/or novel?
- Is the submission constructive?
- Is the speaker qualified?

**If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to **

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-08-05 06:59 (Asia/Bangkok).