Devcon VI

Composability and Gamification
10-12, 17:20–17:30 (America/Bogota), Talk 4

Web3 tech provides features that have been practically unexplored by game designers. Games use DeFi mechanics, or self-custody and P2P marketplace mechanics, but few have used composability to create new game experiences for incentivization.

This presentation by PhD in gaming Andy Boyan will explore how composable Web3 standards enable a revolution in gaming far beyond ownership and collection, featuring Infinity Keys, an achievements game built on composable assets across Web3.

Andy Boyan, PhD.'s past life as a Professor of Communication led him deep into the weeds of social science exploration of game mechanics and player effects. Turning this experience to Web3 after going down the 2017 crypto rabbit hole, Andy worked for Status, Ava Labs, and Chainlink Labs before Co-Founding Infinity Keys, creator tools for providing Web3 treasure hunt questing. He is definitely not an agent of the Elder Gods come to prepare the earth for a cold reign of starlit oblivion.