Exploring Auction Mechanisms in Protocol Design
11-13, 15:10–15:20 (Asia/Bangkok), Stage 4

Auction mechanisms are fascinating, and so are protocol designs. When you put both together, things get really interesting. In this talk, we'll dive into various auction mechanisms and see how they shape protocol design choices. We'll cover key aspects like the timing game, MEV burn, and participant trusts. Then we will look at case studies: Ethereum, Optimism, and Arbitrum. For each case, we'll conclude how protocol impacts auction or vice versa.

I'm passionate about open-source and have been actively involved in Ethereum protocol development since late 2018. I started Prysm, a consensus layer implementation in Go, with a few others. I'm an author of several EIPs for inclusion and ePBS. I love Ethereum, and I can't wait to work on it for a thousand more years!

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