ETH Arauca: Emerson's Legacy and the Hope for Change in Vulnerable Communities Through Ethereum
11-15, 15:50–16:00 (Asia/Bangkok), Stage 4

In this talk, we will explore the moving case of ETH Arauca and the brave young activist Emerson, who led the ETH Colombia node and whose life was tragically taken in the exercise of his mission. We will analyze how Ethereum, through its vision of decentralized finance, can act as an engine of transformation in vulnerable communities with conflict contexts. This talk seeks to give visibility to Emerson's legacy, ETH leaders challenges, and highlight the potential of Ethereum to drive real change

International Business Administrator, Public Goods Builder and Core Member of Ethereum Colombia. Founder of the 5AM Society (public good of Parkway C.) and Financial Coach at Parkway Community. I want to expose the Latin American Spirit that found hope on Ethereum technology to change the reality of vulnerable communities.

Building High-techs for LATAM from Colombia | GIVeconomist at Giveth | EthColombia DAO steward | Builder at Ekinoxis