11-14, 18:10–18:20 (Asia/Bangkok), Breakout 3
The risk of nuclear war or an extreme pandemic is frighteningly high. Little work has been done on resilience to these catastrophes. I’ll discuss resilient food sources that can be scaled up quickly, methods of maintaining the functioning of critical sectors in an extreme pandemic, and backup methods of meeting basic needs. I’ll discuss cost effectiveness of low-cost preparations, including piloting technologies, such as resilient satellite communications, and a resilience DAO.
He received his master’s from Princeton and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado. He is an associate professor at University of Canterbury. He cofounded the Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED) and donates half his income to it. He has 98 peer reviewed publications and is the most prolific author in the existential risk field. His work has been featured in >25 countries, over 300 articles. He has given >80 presentations, including ones at 8 of the global top 20 universities.
I am an optimist with a healthy fear of existential risks and exploring the overlap with web3 to build d/acc tech tree.
I'm interested to contribute to building technologies that can help humanity thrive and flourish.
I have a background in Engineering and Physics.