Austin Griffith – Intro to Scaffold-ETH 2 and SpeedRunEthereum!
11-12, 15:00–17:00 (Asia/Bangkok), Classroom B

In this session, we’re going to dive into Scaffold-ETH v2, a toolkit we built to make developing on Ethereum way easier. We’ll take a look at how it works, why it’s super useful for quickly spinning up projects, and how we can use it to tinker with smart contracts and hook up the frontend.

⚙️ Scaffold-ETH 2 is built using NextJS, RainbowKit, Foundry/Hardhat, Wagmi, Viem, and Typescript.

Whether you’re new or experienced, we’ll get you to SpeedRunEthereum!

👩‍🎤 Builder on Ethereum, BuidlGuidl Founder.

I build lots of random things and try to teach other developers too!

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