VADCOPs: Leveraging STARKs for Tailored Proof Generation
11-13, 13:30–14:00 (Asia/Bangkok), Stage 3

VADCOP is a proving method using STARKs to achieve cost-efficiency by focusing on active parts of the execution trace rather than the entire trace. Traditional modular designs, which divide machines into components and use relational arguments, face inefficiencies due to the padding of unused cells with dummy values. VADCOPs optimize performance by allowing maximum modularity and avoiding unused components, making proof generation precise and efficient without unnecessary redundancy.

I am currently working as a research engineer at Polygon. In this role, I contribute to the development of a robust arithmetization, in terms of the extended Algebraic Intermediate Representation (eAIR), for various projects such as the Polygon zkEVM. Furthermore, I ensure the completeness and soundness of the underlying proving system that we use, apart from doing research on the topic of cryptographic proving systems.

I'm a Senior Computer Engineer working on zkEVM at Polygon, focusing on DSL compilers and arithmetization through state machines. I use these DSL to define the state machines, ensuring they are robust while optimizing their performance. I graduated from UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

On a personal level, I have a deep passion for mathematics, problem-solving, building innovative solutions, and DIY.