Lefteris Arapakis
Lefteris is the co-founder and director of Enaleia, a social enterprise with a vision to make the marine ecosystem sustainable. Enaleia has created one of the largest ocean plastic clean-ups, having trained more than 3.000 fishers to collect plastic from the sea daily, plastic that is turned into new products such as kayaks.
Lefteris has been awarded as an Ashoka Fellow, a United Nations European Young Champion of the Earth 2020 and the Ambassador for the Mediterranean Coast.
Human stories of real world Ethereum - Next Billion Fellows (EF)
Team Next Billion (EF), David Uzochukwu, Eddie Kago, Guo Liu, Mercedes Rodriguez Simon, Valeriia Panina, Karam Alhamad, Tomislav Mamic, Rebecca Mqamelo, Lefteris Arapakis
Real World Ethereum
Breakout 2