Mercedes Rodriguez Simon

I have a professional background in project management and a strong interest in the intersection of technology and social change. With experience working in Operations at El Dorado, I'm also the Founder and Co-Lead of Ethereum Venezuela. I've volunteered with organizations such as Un Mundo Sin Mordaza, Voluntad Popular Activistas, and Compromiso Compartido where I've taken on various leadership roles, and developed and implemented strategies, with vulnerable communities and other activists.


Human stories of real world Ethereum - Next Billion Fellows (EF)
Team Next Billion (EF), David Uzochukwu, Eddie Kago, Guo Liu, Mercedes Rodriguez Simon, Valeriia Panina, Karam Alhamad, Tomislav Mamic, Rebecca Mqamelo, Lefteris Arapakis
Real World Ethereum
Breakout 2